My name is Alicia Souza and I’m an illustrator, which means I draw for a living. It’s the best ‘job’ in the world!
NV- Was it always your dream to become an artist?
AS – Never! Infact I wanted to do everything BUT that. Strange where life takes you!
NV- Was it an easy decision?
AS- No, I think it was a stubborn one though. I told myself that if I was going to be in this field, I was only going to be an illustrator or I’d get into something completely different. Starting out is always hard.
NV- What/who inspired you to take up this field?
AS – No one really. I just loved drawing.
NV- On your way to becoming a brand, did you face any hurdles/difficulties? Please tell us about your journey a bit elaborately.
AS – Starting out as an illustrator in India was hard because I kind of just fell into freelancing without planning. Also I hardly knew anyone in general, let alone in the field or freelancing. But I think persistence kind of pays off, and a lot of working hours.
NV- Reaching this point in your career, are you happy?
AS – Ecstatically happy.
NV- Do you believe in dreams? If you were to motivate people to believe in their dreams, what would you like to tell them?
AS- I do believe in dreams. I believe that dreams don’t have to be careers though, but always do what you love. Always always!