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Writer's pictureNikita Vyas

Krishnamithra Rajan


I am Krishnamithra, an Interior Designer moonlighting as an Artist. I’ve always been a dreamer, an over thinker even. You would find me spacing out on many occasions, lost in the world of my own thoughts. Art for me is the expression of those thoughts, It is an extension of my true self and an outlet to channeling my emotions, thoughts, ideas and issues in the healthiest way that I can think of.

Q – Was it always your dream to become an artist, if not how did you made the choice? (educational background etc)

I’m always in pursuit of love, happiness, the purpose of my existence. I come from a family of many artistically inclined people. But only recently did I find the courage to expose my own artistic self; even to my own family. This happened after I graduated from Srishti, an Art and Design school in Bangalore; it is where I learnt to accept myself and be unafraid of exploring who I am. This being said, I have to admit that till date, putting my art out there makes me feel very vulnerable, like I’m on display naked and up for critique.

Q – Who or what was your inspiration?

I love studying human emotions; the capacity of the human brain, the subconscious mind and the power of energy. My latest series, “Withdrawal Symptoms” is very inspired by this.

My other series “Celestial Navigation” is inspired by the vastness of the universe and the limitless possibilities that come with its expanse.

Science and Evolution are two other topics I’m intrigued by. I’m driven by honesty, love and kindness. These are some of the many things that inspire me.

Q – Please tell us about your milestone journey, especially the difficulty you faced?

For a very long time, I carried around a fear of judgement, failure and rejection; thanks to the heavily flawed primary education system in our country. This kept me from venturing into my artistic self for a long time. However, it got better for me once I recognized that we are all victims of the system, and have chosen different ways to deal with it.

Q – As an artist, what is your favourite subject of illustration (model, medium or form etc)

I’m most comfortable with water colour, but I don’t like restricting myself to a single medium. I love to mix it up. I recently collaborated with Conrad Simmons, a well known musician in Chennai, I made art in the form of animated GIFs for his music, and he made music for my art. Our YouTube channel is called ‘Hopscotch’. I love experimenting this way, using different mediums. I’m constantly inspired by other artists and eager to learn new techniques. I try to push myself whenever I get the opportunity to.

Q – What was the best and the worst advice you received when you started your career?

The best advice I received was from my parents, “Only if you try, you’ll know”. Worst advice I’ve received is usually in the form of threats, things like ultimatums and such, “If you don’t do this, blablabla..consequences…”. I detest those.

Q – At this point in your career, are you happy?

My career is just at its starting point; I finally feel a sense of belonging and can see a future for myself, professionally. I’m very happy that I’m here because it honestly took me longer to get here than I thought it would. I do have some fears though. I fear that I now have something to lose, at the same time I fear that might get too comfortable to let go and move forward. The plan is to take tiny steps ahead everyday and hope for the best.

Q – If someone read your story and wanted to follow your footsteps being inspired by it, what advice would you give them?

My advice will be to believe in yourself and trust your instincts. Most importantly, to not give in to things or people that pull you down or restrict your growth in any way. You don’t owe anyone anything; the only thing you owe is happiness to yourself.

Q – Do you believe in dreams?

I believe that it’s important to dream; setting goals and working towards those goals in support of those dreams is more important.

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