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My Story

“YOU” are not just another being.

You matter!

You are important!

You deserve happiness! 

You are meant to be YOU! 

Imaging living your best life. You deserve the best and as your guide and your motivating partner I'll help you and teach you the tool that'll help you attract happiness, confidence, peace and Success

Work with Me

I don't know in what way I'm different than others but I believe in magic – of life, of possibilities, of opportunities, of love, almost anything but if it doesn’t have your faith, involvement and commitment you may miss the opportunity to experience it. I want to help you believe in the magic of everyday life and most importantly yourself!

I believe that anything and everything that you do requires your complete sincerity, attention and commitment. It’s the same with the sessions and programs. They need your complete attention. I don’t claim that my programs are a treatment plan for any particular issue but they do help in bringing a lot of clarity and perception, therefore I urge you to practice, even if you don’t find the time.

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I'm the quiet creative type. I'm a dreamer. I'm myself between pages of a journal and a good cup of fresh coffee. I'm in awe of creatives and I've worked with - Artists, Bloggers, Entrepreneurs, women just starting their own creative venture.


As a creative myself, I understand how tough it can be to feel balanced, grounded and the importance clarity and confidence play for any creatives life. I love the fact that my career gives me the opportunity to work with women to help them feel, relaxed, confident and get some clarity. 

My work is based on the principles and theories of positive psychology and mindfulness. 


​I completed my under-graduation in Sociology. I went on to do my masters in Counselling Psychology and M.Phil in Psychology.

During my academic years I conducted research on Self-esteem. Locus of control, aggression. procrastination, deliberate self harming. I have written various articles on topics related to women. My work has been published and quoted in a few newspapers and online magazines. 

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