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The Attract Prosperity Journal (Digital)

The Attract Prosperity Journal (Digital)


Prosperity is a blessing. Prosperity is a sign of happiness.
Prosperity has an element of good luck. Even though prosperity is usually synonymous with success, opportunity, wealth and fame, the crux of feeling prosperous and attracting prosperity is happiness, growth mindset, inspiration and love. Prosperity is achieved when you let go, forgive, celebrate..


Whatever you attract becomes a part of you and your life. The intention of this book is to help you attract prosperity - (which includes happiness, success, peace, love and fortune)

  • An instant 65 page Pdf download (printable)
  • 30 Journal Prompts
  • 30 Affirmations
  • This journal will help you attract goodness in your life
  • This ejournal will help you improve your focus
  • A shift in your mindset
  • A better approach towards your goals and dreams
  • Awareness of the bloackages that usually pull you back
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